Mass Literacy OAPL Approved Courses

Keys to Literacy is offering several courses that are approved for Mass Literacy Summer Open Access Professional Development (OAPL). Eligible Massachusetts educators may take these courses at no cost and will receive a stipend upon completing the course(s) by August 31, 2022. Click here to learn more. *NOTE: Registration for the spring OAPL courses are closed and all slots are filled. Summer registrations will be posted soon.* 

Mass Literacy Guide Online Course

Coming soon! Keys to Literacy is developing an asynchronous online course that will be offered by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The course will be available at no cost to any educator who works in a Massachusetts education organization (e.g., public or private school/school district; institute of higher education; local, regional, or state educational organization).

The purpose of this online course is to help Massachusetts PreK-3 educators understand and implement evidence-based early literacy practices in their culturally responsive classrooms. The course is program neutral, i.e., the instructional suggestions are not specific to any reading program. The course is expected to launch in the Fall of 2022. A link to an information page will be posted before the course begins.


We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and the impact on our employees and the schools where we provide professional development.

During this time period when onsite, face-to-face training and coaching is not possible, we offer multiple options for accessing our literacy PD content and instructional practices.

If you are a current or new partner, explore our website or contact us to learn more about: