Instructional Leadership

Implementation Schools

At Keys to Literacy, we believe in the Systems, Structures, and Science of Reading.

We partner with schools and districts across the country to help create high performing systems of learning. These partnerships are called, “implementation or laboratory schools”. They embody our mission, to transform low, or under-performing schools into high-achieving, self-sustaining educational systems of excellence. Currently, if you have less than 70% of your students reading at grade-level, regardless of their economic status, your school is under-performing.

How it Works

Our experience indicates, and research demonstrates, that it takes three to five years to substantially change literacy outcomes for schools. We begin with a Literacy Evaluation of your school or district. Completed over a course of two days, the outcomes from this Literacy Evaluation stays becomes the roadmap for our work together.

Once the roadmap is completed, we pair your school(s) with one of our accomplished Keys to Literacy Consultants who will be your partner through this process.

The Keys to Literacy Consultant will work with your school leadership—typically the principal and instructional coach, where possible, to create the systems and structures of highly effective schools. Your consultant will become the principal’s coach and, guide their school in how to improve literacy outcomes for all students

Literacy Evaluation Tool

Updated in 2023 to reflect most current research, our evaluation tool is used in hundreds of schools across the country. The rubric focuses on 6 key domains:

  • Universal instruction
  • Interventions
  • Assessments
  • Data-based Decision Making
  • School Leadership Teams
  • Professional Development


There is a cadence to this work. Typically, year one focuses on ensuring the systems and structures for quality and effective universal instruction and interventions are in place. In year two, we focus on data and small group instruction. In year three we hone in on the state standards outcomes for students, all the while coaching the principal to become an exceptional instructional leader.

Contact our team to learn how we can partner together in your district!

We offer a range of services including PreK-12 evidence-aligned professional development and coaching for educators; comprehensive literacy audits and literacy leadership coaching; and partnerships with institutions of higher education. Together we canvhelp you create the knowledge, systems, and structures required to support critical literacy work.


We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and the impact on our employees and the schools where we provide professional development.

During this time period when onsite, face-to-face training and coaching is not possible, we offer multiple options for accessing our literacy PD content and instructional practices.

If you are a current or new partner, explore our website or contact us to learn more about: