It’s Possible
A Leadership Plan for Implementing Quality Reading Instruction and Ensuring Literacy for All
Drawing on the science of reading and research on high-performing schools and effective leadership, authors Pati Montgomery and Angela Hanlin provide school and district leaders with the tools to systematically implement and create the necessary systems and structures for evidence-based literacy instruction. By focusing on the establishment of these structures, leaders—particularly principals—can ensure the consistent application of effective practices, support teachers, and drive long-term improvement, and continuous growth, in literacy proficiency for ALL students.

About the Book
By: Pati Montgomery, Angela Hanlin
This book provides school leaders with the systems and structures needed to implement quality literacy instruction. Learn how to structure a literacy block for different grades, leverage assessments to boost reading proficiency, and discover how leadership and collaboration empower teachers to maximize their impact.
Are you interested in professional development related to It’s Possible?
Keys to Literacy works with leadership in under- or low- performing schools and districts to create self- sustaining, high-achieving school systems. Schools Cubed combines a proven track record of increasing achievement at the school, district and state levels by using the research of effective schools and the Science of Reading. Schools and districts learn to work smarter, focus on necessary goals and, in turn, increase student outcomes. Many students struggle with learning to read beyond 3rd grade, Keys to Literacy offers support and services for grades K-12.

Our Approach
Keys to Literacy works with districts and school leaders to create focused systems of learning by empowering school leaders to organize around 5 areas of highly effective schools: collaboration, instructional focus, data analysis, time, and a safe and orderly environment. When principals have the capacity to develop each of these areas in their schools, structures are created that support instruction and learning. It is these school leaders who will have the highest impact on student outcomes.