Darren is a Professional Development Implementation Specialist and a trainer/consultant with Keys to Literacy. Darren has been an educator for 28 years, and 23 of those years as an Educational Leader in public education. He has been recognized for significant curriculum reform with leadership contributions, including School-wide Continuous Improvement, Science of Reading Literacy Implementation, MTSS, PLC Design & Implementation, Student Engagement Practices, and PBIS Implementation. As a principal, Darren was instrumental in building a healthy, inviting school climate and culture for staff, parents, and students. He played a role in the Bozeman district literacy planning process, resulting in an increase in student achievement. He has presented at the local, state, and national levels numerous times throughout his career, and built relationships with colleagues throughout the U.S. Darren had the privilege of being selected as the 2011 National Distinguished Principal for Montana. He is a Montana native and received his Bachelor of Science degree from Montana State University, Billings, and his Masters of Educational Leadership degree from the University of Montana, Missoula.
Email: darren@keystoliteracy.com
Phone: 978-948-8511 ext. 203