Jill Hafey has joined the Keys to Literacy team as Chief Academic Officer through the Schools Cubed partnership. Jill has a passion for student achievement, leading teachers and building leadership to the next level. She is a 27 year veteran in the profession of education, serving students, teachers, and her community as an elementary teacher, an EL Director, an elementary principal, a middle school assistant principal, a superintendent, and is currently the Chief Academic Officer for Schools Cubed. Jill has a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Teaching from Colorado Mesa University and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Walden University. She is a strong believer in servant leadership, all students can learn, and building growth mindsets among educational professionals, students, and families. Jill does not shy away from hard work and loves challenges in which she calls opportunities. She does not allow for excuses to cloud reality, seeks first to understand, and builds a team to tackle the task at hand. She has designed and implemented systems that move building leadership, teachers and students to the next level of learning. Before moving into Superintendency, Jill Hafey led her elementary school staff in earning the Colorado Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Award. She has been named the 2018 Outstanding Administrative Leadership in Reading Award from CCIRA. Jill is a life-long learner, an avid reader, and was an active member on many district committees (Strategic Planning, Standards and Assessment, Safety, Senior Leadership, Technology…). During her free time, Mrs. Hafey enjoys riding her horse to mountain lakes, running, and taking care of her family of 7.