Loren Huwa has worked in education for over 30 years with experience in grades K-12. For the past 9 years he has been the principal at South Lakewood Elementary in Lakewood Colorado. While Mr. Huwa has been the principal at South Lakewood, this school has been recognized for the work they have done with diverse populations by the National PTA with the Jan Harp Domene Award for Diversity and Inclusion which is presented to one elementary school in the nation every year. Jefferson County Public Schools awarded South Lakewood the Wayne Carle Diversity award in 2017 for their continued work with students with diverse backgrounds. In 2016 the Colorado Department of Education recognized SLE as a High Achieving school because of the success of the students in all areas. Particularly those students who have been identified and placed on an IEP, minority students, students who are on free and reduced programs and students who are designated as English Language Learners. Mr. Huwa has also expanded his and training in the area of safety and security. This includes FEMA trainings, CPI, FASTER training for school staff and leadership, and has received recognition for having safety protocols in place at his schools that are used by several other schools in the district.