Melissa boasts an illustrious 30-year career in education, showcasing her expertise in various roles, including elementary teacher, PBIS/RtI coordinator, and most recently, principal at Kosciuszko Elementary School in Cudahy, Wisconsin. Under her leadership, Kosciuszko Elementary was named a Beating the Odds School, recognized by the Wisconsin Department of Instruction for consistently achieving above-average student performance in reading and mathematics. Moreover, Melissa orchestrated a transformation at Kosciuszko Elementary, elevating the school’s standing from “Does Not Meet Expectations” to “Exceeds Expectations” on the State School Report Card. Melissa is passionate about establishing comprehensive systems for explicit instruction, coaching, data analysis, and culturally responsive engagement protocols. These initiatives serve as pillars in fostering equity and literacy for every student under her care. When she isn’t working to support school leaders, Melissa values family time, enjoys pickleball, and has a profound love for reading.