Early Literacy

The recent spotlight on early literacy (birth – age 9) skills development shines bright, and rightly so. There is a vast amount of research that proves the critical nature of early literacy skills development and its relationship to long-term academic and life success. In addition, there are many research based proven practices that are effective at developing early foundational literacy skills. In a nutshell, we understand the stakes, challenges and opportunities of early literacy and also understand the practices that effectively build early literacy skills. As educators, it is beneficial, if not imperative to have solid understanding of the importance of early literacy and its connections to school and life success.
A recent research report, Turning the Page: Refocusing Massachusetts for Reading Success does an outstanding job of detailing the issues, challenges and solutions around addressing literacy development from birth through age 9. The report is grounded in the latest research and provides a very succinct roadmap for how practitioners and society can address early literacy development. If you are interested in learning more about the importance of early literacy, the report is an excellent way to become familiar with the issues and answers around this critical topic.
As Keys to Literacy prepares to address instructional training for PreK teachers, para –professionals, and administrators, we have been thrilled to find a deep trove of research on best practices for early literacy. Should you be interested in learning more about these topics you can find lots of research and resources at Strategies for Children and at The Center for Public Education.
Here are a few more suggested articles:
- “Report of the National Early Literacy Panel”, 2011
- “Leveling the playing field for kindergarten entry: Research implications for preschool early literacy instruction”, 2012.
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