Resource for Parent Advocates of Struggling Readers

I recently learned that a long-time colleague, Lorna Kaufman, has written a book and launched a related project designed to support parents of children who struggle with reading. Lorna and her co-authors Sandra Doran and Leigh Leveen have worked for over 30 years helping struggling readers and providing advice for how their parents can advocate for their children. Based on this experience, they wrote the book Smart Kid, Can’t Read: 5 Steps Any Parent Can Take to Get Help which can be ordered through Amazon. The 200+ pages of the book are organized into sections corresponding to these five recommended steps:
- Act as soon as you suspect a problem
- Understand what your child needs
- Learn about the reading process
- Know your legal rights
- Advocate for your child
The authors have also launched a related website Smart Kid, Can’t Read that includes a list of resources that include professional organizations, parent resources, and lists of reading programs.
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