Keys to Literacy
Planning for CLSD?
Keys to Literacy is your trusted CLSD Partner from the State level to the Building level!
What makes KTL a strong partner for CLSD recipients:
- Significant history of successful collaboration with Departments of Education, LEAs/Districts, and Schools
- Literacy PD and coaching that is grounded in evidence-based practices, aligned to the Science of Reading, AND practical for:
- PreK
- Kindergarten through Grade 12
- Institutions of Higher Education
- Deep understanding of and commitment to equity in education
- Expert team of literacy consultants led by Joan Sedita and Pati Montgomery
Our areas of expertise:
- Development of comprehensive literacy plans
- Understanding of the critical importance of system alignment and sustainability through common structures
- Provide exceptional, practical evidence-based literacy professional development aligned with the Science of Reading for all stakeholders including leadership/administrators, classroom teachers, and interventionists, spanning PreK-Grade 12 (state, LEA/District, building):
- in the systems and structures necessary to increase student outcomes
- to demonstrate to schools how to analyze district data to create district goals for state compliance
- to develop goals for each district throughout the state, alongside the personnel of the Department of Education
Considerations at the state level:
KTL will partner with State Departments of Education to use Comprehensive State Literacy Development (CSLD) grant resources to develop structures and systems to improve literacy outcomes for all students and close opportunity and achievement gaps for historically underserved student groups.
- Collaborate with state personnel on strategic planning for the state to increase literacy outcomes in highest-needs schools.
- Provide exceptional professional development, statewide, to schools and state-level personnel:
- in the systems and structures necessary to increase student outcomes
- to demonstrate to schools how to analyze district data to create district goals for state compliance
- to develop goals for each district throughout the state, alongside the personnel of the Department of Education
Our State Partners Include:
- Indiana Department of Education
- Alaska Department of Education & Early Development
- Ohio Department of Education
- Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
- The North Mississippi Education Consortium
- Mississippi Department of Education
- North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
- Utah State Board of Education
Considerations at the LEA/district and/or building level:
- Conduct district and/or school-wide literacy needs assessment to evaluate comprehensive literacy systems, structures, and instructional materials to ensure alignment with scientific and evidence-based practices.
- Support the development of a comprehensive Literacy Plan based on information from the needs assessment
- Evaluate literacy plans for their emphasis on equity, supporting at-risk students, sustainability planning, and including early childhood and families as active partners.
- Assist districts with the selection of appropriate professional development opportunities for administrators, teachers, and literacy leaders in the Science of Reading and evidence-based practices.
- Provide implementation coaching to district administrators, literacy leaders and/or teachers to support bringing professional literacy learning into classroom practice.
Joan Sedita
Connect with the Keys to Literacy team to learn more
Contact us to learn more about how a Keys to Literacy partnership could support your CLSD work!
Contact our team to learn how we can partner together on CLSD funding.
With offerings tailored for grades PreK-3, elementary, middle and high school, our instructional practices and practical training methods ensure that schools improve literacy levels as their students improve their literacy skills.