Good Resource for Literacy Webinars

Earlier this winter I delivered a literacy webinar for Voyager Sopris Learning, and discovered that they offer a number of complimentary, one hour webinars delivered by nationally-recognized literacy experts. And, they archive the webinars in case you are not able to participate in the live sessions.
Here is a link to my archived webinar titled “A Best-Practices Instructional Routine for Writing in the Content Areas”.
Below is a list of other archived webinars that I recommend:
- “Developing Foundational Skills from CCSS in Early Learning Classrooms” by Vickie Gibson (Spring, 2014)
- “What Does Phonological Awareness Have to Do with It?” by Pam Austin (Spring, 2014)
- “Syntax: Somewhere Between Words and Text” by Nancy Eberhardt (Fall, 2014)
- “Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Reading” by Stephanie Gottwald (Fall, 2014)
- “Cultivating Strong Readers: Activities to Build Fluency” by Jan Hasbrouck (Fall, 2014
These webinars can be accessed by visiting the 2014 archive.
Listings for the Voyager Sopris Spring 2015 webinar series will be posted at their main webinar page.
Hi Joan, thank you for all your insights! I tried to go back to listen to the webinars, but it looks like Voyager Spores no longer hosts webinars for that long ago. Or maybe you can find an updated link to them?
Unfortunately, Sopris no longer makes older webinars available. However, there are a number of my more up-to-date webinars that can be accessed at the Keys to Literacy website under “free resources”.